
Scout Network allows all 18 – 25 year olds to carry on Scouting. Network is run by District and is a great way to make new friends, meet up with old friends and have fun. Many of the Networks meet on a bi-weekly basis for fun and exciting activities. Scout Network members are also encouraged to complete some of the top scouting awards for example the Duke of Edinburgh Award and the King’s Scout Award.

Who is eligible for Scout Network

Scout Network is for all young adults aged between 18-25. If you already have a Scouting role such as, assistant Beaver leader, Explorer leader, County Youth Commissioner or even District Commissioner you are already part of The Scout Network. New members are also always welcome – you may have Scouted in the past or never Scouted at all – we’d love to meet you.

Networks around the county and how to find out more

At the moment there are three Networks across the county. Chiltern Network is the Network from Chiltern North but has lots of members from surrounding districts. Cerberus is the Scout Network within Aylesbury and the surrounding area and Network MK is the Network in Milton Keynes. We are always looking to open other Networks across Buckinghamshire too.

If you would like to join or chat about joining Network in your area please contact your local District Scout Network Commissioner or The Bucks Scout Network Commissioner for guidance.

Network activities

Network activities can range from a ready steady cook evening to axe throwing and everything in between. There are no leaders in Network groups so it is up to the Network members to decide what they want to do. There are many national Network camps such as Network Festival and Isle of White Revolution. In Bucks there is a annual county camp over the May bank holiday weekend it often includes a trip around a city, an activity or two and lots of socialising with Network members from across Bucks. Network is what you make of it.

Off to university?

Scouting doesn’t have to stop when you leave for university. Many university’s in the UK have a SSAGO (Student Scout and Guide Organisation). Just like Network in your home district, anyone can join Scouting through SSAGO and don’t worry if you are already a member of Network in your district, you can be a member of SSAGO too. Check to see if your university has SSAGO here

If you want to find out more about The Scout Network in Buckinghamshire Contact:

Josh Bright County Scout Network Commissioner –

Or if you would like to find out more about Network across the UK and international opportunities head to –

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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